

My search came to an end… when I was impressed by your thoughts
A search…of flexible, realistic and rebellious thoughts!

That was the most incredible moment of my life, when I ‘fell’ in love with you
And from that ‘love’, this poem has come through…

Now let me take you on a ride in my mind…
‘cause I am, as you are, one of a kind!

Love is Love, I don’t know what is ‘true’ or ‘false’
What I know is- when we go beyond reality, that’s our real loss!

When I talk about love, I mean it to be rational
Please don’t be blind, be rational…to feel the love, which would be unconditional!

I cannot bring the stars, but what I can, is to love you all the way
And then…then ‘those’ three words you are gonna say!
Can you guess them?

Although I like what is there in between your legs,
What I really love is there in between your ears…
Have you got these lines, oh dear?

As Dr. Ellis has rightly said, “The art of love is largely the art of persistence”,
Let’s be persistent, let’s eliminate the resistance, which will help us to increase our love’s existence

Yes baby, your heartbeat is in harmony with mine, and I love you a lot
Now let me get down on my knee and ask you, will you tie with me a knot?


“The art of love is largely the art of persistence” – It is one of the quotes given by Dr. Albert Ellis, an American
psychologist who in 1955 developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) which is the pioneering form of
cognitive behavior therapy. REBT is an action-oriented psycho-educational approach to managing cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral disturbances.

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