From the teensy little bibelots

To great boxes packed with gold

There are endowments of diverse worth

For both the callow and the old.

But, put them all in toto

They could not stand in lieu,

For, the greatest endowments of all

Is the bliss of knowing you.

When all those plans you laid out

Are reduced to shambles

When grief, pain or doubts

Make your knees crumble.

Just stop, turn around and behold

At the point where you no longer can take the cold

Scan for me through the dark shadowed moors

And my fingers will interlace with yours.

My shoulders will take away from you your weights

My eyes will cry for you your silent tears

My heart will bear the pangs of your regrets

Howbeit it may continue a zillion years.

For, when you cease to smile my friend

My heart’s beatitude comes to an end.

I’m ready to perjure whatever it takes

To supplant true smiles for your fakes.

It doesn’t matter what ordeal I go through

To succor you begin anew

For, nothing else matters more

Than the bliss of knowing you

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