Re-imagining student engagement in IITs

About SLC

The Student Leadership Conclave was envisioned as a forum to bring together the student leaders of all IITs to brainstorm the solutions to different issues faced by the student community. The first edition of Student Leadership Conclave was organized on March 24-25, 2018, and student leaders from 14 different IITs attended. Its agenda included Peer Assistance and Learning, Imperative of Soft skills, Hobby groups, and establishment of Student Academic Conference. After the astounding success of the first edition, the subsequent editions of the Conclave were organised with even greater vigour and saw a steady increase in participation. The agenda for the later editions included Academic Integrity, Undergraduate Research, Linguistic Groupism and Hands-on Learning to name a few. The Student Leadership Conclave strives to be a unique and effective platform where one can learn as well as contribute to solve issues existing in the IITs spread across the country. The agendas chosen for discussion are such that the solutions may be implemented at the student community level by the students with minimal or no aid from the faculty or administration. The ultimate goal of the Student Leadership Conclave is to provide room for new thoughts and ideas while working towards bringing about a beneficial change in the student communities of IITs.


The IIT system celebrates the pursuit of knowledge, nurtures future leadership, facilitates entrepreneurial thinking, develops skills to address concerns of the future, and incubates scholars, thinkers and innovators. We believe that a responsible and vibrant student community has been our major strength. Student governance has been a key factor in shaping the holistic education in IITs that we see today. It has emerged out of proactive student leadership, collective commitment and disruptive thinking.

The Student Leadership Conclave aims to discuss the possibilities and necessity of re-imagining student governance in the IIT system. The frameworks of knowledge creation, assimilation, and dissemination have gone through radical changes. Diversity in the backgrounds of the students joining IITs has posed new dimensions to the challenges. Nonlinear, interactive, and collaborative approaches to learning and teaching are changing the culture of educational institutions. The emergence of new culture would mean re-imagining the current framework and adopting new ones. It is important for the student leaders of IITs to get engaged in this process and discuss the new trends in student governance. The activities and action plans emerging out of this conclave are expected to be transformative in the role of student governance in IIT education.

The aim of the two-day conclave is to discuss agendas to make student engagement more effective in IITs and make sure that they are in tune with the emerging cultural changes in educational institutions.