Internships – Is it just about Academia?


INTERNSHIP- a word which every college going student is aware of, a highly hyped up word! But, there is one misconception among most of the junta who hasn’t yet been employed as an “intern”. This word as just an avenue of knowing the practical aspect of whatever we are learning, or something which, if found plenty in your resume, is going to make a good foundation for the future career.

Of course, I would never dare to disagree with any of it, but there are certain ideas associated with an internship that I would like to bring out in front of everyone.

An “internship” is way too sacred than just the practical knowledge source- it not just strengthens your academic career with the experience, but also, provides you an insight into your future and at times, also in your interests. One might feel that one is interested in some field, but the actual environment of the work, or the work itself, might not interest the person. It often provides us with the much needed perspective to guide us towards the field which we really are “made for”. An internship also shows you a glimpse of how life is going to be after you graduate- when we talk about the experiences, we don’t just talk about the things we learnt; rather, we talk about a much broader perspective- about how we learned to learn things on our own, global exposure, the differences in the culture and the way of learning between you and your colleagues, how you got adapted to the place, becoming independent- everything defines what exactly your life is going to be after getting out from the college! I don’t think that we ever think about these issues when we go for an intern, but the experience which we get out of the whole package, makes a huge difference.

The experience makes you more realistic and acquainted with the situations that you may encounter, it also broadens your ideas and personality.

As lucrative as it sounds, internships may not be for everyone. Let me show you the other side of the story. Getting an internship does not imply getting placed there- you still need to prove yourself! People are always willing to help you out, but you need to take the initiative, show your willingness to learn. Perseverance and hard work is a must. We all know Charles Darwin’s theory- “Survival of the fittest”- that’s what we learn here too.

An internship is not everything. There are loads of people who would prefer to maybe spend their holidays taking up various courses or learning things or maybe working on their own projects, etc. and it definitely proves that whatever it may be, internships are just a way of indulging yourself to be productive and gather knowledge in any way you can- not that it’s a requirement. I am of the opinion that it is not a necessity. On your road to success, all you need a vision as to what you want to do. The requirement is the passion for what you do- the path you take up to achieve your goals is not important!

Our institute is generous enough to provide us with enough internship opportunities for all. I guess we all realize the importance of this opportunity that gets bestowed on us. It would be wise to make full use of it by not just gaining knowledge ourselves, but also by making IIT Gandhinagar shine with our talents!

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