I crave, I beg…and my heart still roars!!


For the troops that were stationed…

It was an aurora after a long night

And the nation was emblazoned

With the triumph of a long fight


Our comeback was greeted

With salutes and embrace

But, it was not the lauding ballads

That made my heart pace.


I stood tranquil and watched as a mother cried

When she ascertained her son had died.

He didn’t die because he was sick

He didn’t die because he was in a wreck

The dauntless son volunteered to be picked by death

As, death came for his comrades but, he played a trick.


I espied a father trying to hold back his tears

As he yearned for his son to live few more years.

He kneeled before the grave and said a prayer

And the valiant son knows, his father did care

His son was martyred thousand miles away…

Fending the nation where no one would dare.


My knees did crumble to see the bride lament

As she pined for conjugal time not spent.

Petrified she sat, peeping through the window

Biding to see him lurking in some shadow

Her partner was crucial in saving million brides…

But the victory for the nation had made her a widow.


I was stunned by a sister’s howls of pain

As she denied that her brother was slain.

Waving a chocolate at her brother she teased

As she didn’t realise the quarrels had eternally ceased

The gallant soldier had convinced the tyrants to flee…

But who will convince her, her brother was deceased.


I know, some day, I will be brought back on shoulders

My kin have to fill their heart with boulders.

My heart still roars to bulwark the frontier

To fend off the wolves and protect the deer

I crave to be draped in national flag, some day…

And I beg my dearest to sacrifice their tears.

One Response

  1. Abhishek says:

    “I crave to be draped in national flag, some Day
    And I beg my dearest to sacrifice their tears.”

    gr8t work man.

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