SMS Language : A Welcome Departure?


A new era, a new world of communicating and expressing our views has begun.  Science and technology has touched man’s life from every dimension. The current generation has been completely engulfed by the technology prevalent today. Usage of computers has become a need rather than a convenience. It has brought about a seminal change in our day-to-day lives. Our usage of language has also witnessed the change. Especially, the “SMS” language.

Words like gal, gd, gn, sd, frnd are tending towards becoming way more common than their “normal” form. We have to pause and think, “Are such changes allowable?” …Does the changes in spelling make such a big difference? Is change in pronunciation such a big deal? Or, should changes in every aspect of life be necessary for the development of human nature? We definitely need to find an answer to these questions.

Every language, every operation undergoes changes for a better cause. If English language can also undergo changes and a few additions, it would definitely be for a better cause.

Communication can be of any form. Sign language, cave paintings, scroll writings, letters, telephone, texting, have all been through significant changes. Change defines a being. Addition in an efficient way should always be welcome if we, as humans, can find an easier way.

English language is no different. Such changes can take place only in the daily use of language. The core cultural importance of the language and its art and poetry is still conserved. The past history of the language is still conserved.

In the end, I would like to add, however rich a language might be at its core, convenience of the one who is using the language should be welcome.

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