Is it something Real?

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Love is the quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you – to bolster your beloved.

You are warmed by her presence, even when she is away. Miles do not separate you.

You have so many wonderful little films in your head that you keep replaying. But near or far, you know she is yours and you can wait.

Love means trust. You are calm, secure and nonthreatening. She feels your trust, and it makes you even more trustworthy.

Love is elevating. It lifts you up. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better person than you were before.

It’s when the two souls, apart from each other, meet and discover what they mean to each other, it is when you find you can’t resist thinking about her.

It’s when you find you can’t see her with someone else, it’s when you become possessive, it’s when you wait for her when she isn’t there, its then time you are in love.

When you look up in the sky, observe the twinkling stars and the most loved beauty Moon, you feel relieved thinking no matter where you are, how far you are, in what situation you are, there is someone, somewhere thinking of you, caring for you.

Some define love as wisdom, some as experience, some as knowledge, and some as feeling. Is it real or an illusion?

Your life gets embedded with a beauty far more beautiful than moon, far more shining than stars, far brighter than sun and far closer than your soul.

It’s when you feel you had the best conversation with your mate sitting next to her for hours and still not speaking a single word.

It’s when you are ready to melt yourself in her arms; it’s when you feel one lifetime is not enough to be with, it’s when you feel your life has no meaning without her, its time when you find your love.

Love is all about sacrifice, commitment, trust and friendship.

It’s when all you want to see a smile on her face, it’s when you make her happy sacrificing the every crucial thing of your life, and it’s when death seems inferior to living in her absence.

She means everything to you. You find her in your heart, your soul. You can’t run away from her.

This is what I feel for you, and I know this is love, this is love for you.

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