A Scenic Affair


Taking inspiration from the classic, ‘Daffodils’ by Wordsworth Raj has put forth his own version of it.

I wandered lonely as a cloud,
That floats high over the vales and heights,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
Of fireflies hovering above something white.
It was a herd of ever-shining jasmines,
Along the road and under the pines.
Thousands of jasmines shining bright,
Giving a scent as sweet as love,
And jasmines lighting up the dusk with pearly-white,
Like stars shining in the sky above.
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze,
Sight which gave my life a new lease.
What a beauty! What a God’s art!
A child could not but be amazed,
With pleasure and joy, it filled my heart,
All through the journey I did nothing but gazed.
I returned back home in despair,
Thinking only about the night’s affair.
For oft, when I am vacant and in desolation,
The visuals of that eve come before my eyes,
I do nothing but enjoy God’s creation,
And I will keep forever those radiant jasmines and splendid fireflies.
Thinking when will I see the jasmine- high and proud?
And when will I wander lonely as a cloud?

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