I Have A Dream Today


I have a dream today

That one day, people will stand for right, truth and justice

We will be free from the social and political dogma, ” corruption”

People will recognize the power of their political affiliation

I have a dream today

That one day, People in the north east will not feel alienated from India

We will not divide ourselves on the basis of religion, caste and language

We will not witness beggars in any corner of the world

I have a dream today

That one day, people will not be judged by the content of their wealth, power; rather by content of their character

People will send their child to school not for the sole purpose that one day he/she will earn money and have power but for the purpose that he/she will stand for right, truth, justice and humanity even if he/she has to stand alone.

I have a dream today

That one day, no country will dare to destroy the peace and harmony of our country

 The women will feel safe even at midnight irrespective of their ages and irrespective of places.

We human being will be able to develop ‘though’ faith not ‘if’ faith

People will not feel bad for being poor but will struggle to eradicate it

I have a dream today

That one day, people‘s happiness will not rely on which baby (male/female) takes birth in their family

People will not just say, dowry is a social dogma but will act on it.

People will behave as immovable objects when irresistible forces of religion, caste and other forces try to divide them.

I have a dream today

That one day, people will realize that voting once in 5 years is the least participation in democracy

We will have the right of right to recall

We will be equally concerned about the natural resources and environment as we are about our life

I have a dream today

That one day, each of us will have some selfless dreams.



           * Inspired from MLK Jr. Speech(I have a dream today)








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